The Haines Family Massacre

The Haines Family Massacre

  • alec kreider

I n the early morning hours of May 12, 2007, in Mainheim Township, Pennsylvania, the Haines family was asleep. Earlier that evening, the family had enjoyed dinner and a movie together before retiring for the night. 20-year-old Maggie was awakened around 2:00 a.m. by noises coming from her little brother’s (16-year-old, Kevin) room. It sounded like there was a struggle going on and when Maggie ran to her parent’s room, her mother, Lisa, told her to leave and get help. That night would be the last time Maggie would see her entire family still alive. Little did Maggie know, her family’s killer was quite familiar with the family, and had he known she was home from college for the summer, she would have probably been dead too.

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